To make my food more flavorful I always like to add some sort of sauce or flavorful oil to top it off. I first made this oil for my mother around Christmas time, since I think homemade gifts that are food related are always better. Ever since then I have this on top of my food EVERY day.

I got the concept from Bon Appetit when they were making some of their flavored oils. It is loaded with aromatics like ginger, and garlic, and also is packed with spices like red pepper and curry! I top it on just about everything, from vegetables, to eggs, to chicken, to potatoes, I cannot get enough of it! This oil is a MUST for adding flavor to your food.


  1. 4 shallots sliced thin
  2. 2 whole heads of garlic sliced thin
  3. 2 cups of olive oil
  4. 1/4 cup of minced ginger
  5. 3 TB of crushed red pepper flakes
  6. 3 TB of coconut aminos
  7. 1 TB curry powder
  8. 1/2 tsp salt


  1. In a pot over medium heat, add your shallots garlic, olive oil and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 20-25 minutes until the shallots and garlic brown.
  2. In a bowl mix the ginger, red pepper flakes, coconut aminos, curry, and salt to the bowl.
  3. Once the garlic and shallots are done, remove from the heat and add to the ginger bowl.
  4. Let cool and refrigerate to store!