One of my favorite ways to prepare carrots is to grill them! This is a simple recipe that elevates carrots and makes them way more interesting than the typical preparation of them. I have been on a carrot kick lately because of how great they are for you, and my current favorite way to eat them is this recipe!

Benefits of Grilled Carrots

Carrots are loaded with nutrients that are good for your health. They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important for healthy eyesight, immune function, and skin health. Carrots are also rich in antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation in the body and protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Grilling carrots is a healthy way to cook them as it preserves their nutrients while adding a delicious smoky flavor. Grilling also caramelizes the natural sugars in the carrots, making them sweeter and more flavorful.

Key Steps for Grilled Carrots:

  • Steam the carrots first: carrots are a hard root vegetable, therefore we have to steam them or microwave steam them first before grilling.
  • Steam until they are fork tender. We want them to be cooked through before grilling them off.
  • Coat them in oil and seasoning of choice, any dried seasonings here are delicious!
  • Only grill until you have a char, they are already cooked from steaming, so you only have to grill for a few minutes per side to achieve the char flavor we are going for.

In this video I steamed in my microwave safe steamer, the Anyday. Anyday is a microwaveable safe cooking bowls that have been a game changer for speeding up the cooking process for me in the kitchen. Sometimes I don’t want to get my double boiler out to steam food, and the Anyday has been awesome for those days. This isn’t an ad at all, I just genuinely love this newer cooking tool!

  • SERVINGS:  4
  • PREP TIME: 5 Mins
  • ACTIVE TIME: 10 Mins
  • TOTAL TIME: 15 Hr


  • 1 lb of carrots, peeled, halved and quartered
  • avocado oil
  • salt and pepper
  • seasonings of choice such as:
    • garlic powder
    • paprika
    • ginger
    • cumin
    • curry powder
    • etc



Prep your carrots and steam in the microwave steamer, or double boiler, for 4 minutes, or until fork tender.


Coat with oil, and seasonings of choice.


Turn a grill or grill pan on high. Working in batches, grill the carrots on both sides for 1-2 minute per side until you achieve a nice char and grill mark on both sides of the carrot. Remove from the grill and serve!