Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best, and this is one of them. I made this one night for my boyfriend and we loved it so much I decided to make again and write this recipe! With only 5 simple ingredients, this is a great last minute dinner option.

- 4 skin on chicken thigh, bone removed
- 2 lemons
- ½ cup garlic sliced thinly (around 2 heads of garlic)
- Olive oil to coat pan
- Salt to taste
- Debone your chicken, pat dry, add juice from one lemon and salt both sides.
- Quarter one lemon and slice thinly into thin triangles.
- In a small pan over medium heat add your garlic and saute for 5-10 minutes. Add your lemon triangle slices and continue to saute until caramelized, add salt as you go.
- While that is cooking, in a medium pan add olive oil and bring to medium heat. Pat the skin of your chicken with a paper towel to dry, and add to the oiled pan once hot. Saute around 8-10 minutes, until skin is golden brown. Flip and cook another 3 minutes until cooked through.
- Top with the crispy garlic and lemon mixture and enjoy!

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