If you haven’t sharpened your knives in the past month, it is time! Best way to test if your knife is dull is to try to slice a piece of paper, if it doesn’t easily go through the paper, it is time to sharpen them.

I recomend sharpening your knives with wet stones, this is the best for your knives. Automatic knife sharpener machines do a ton of damage to your knives, they actually just scrape off layers of your knife and destroy them.

I use King Deluxe wet stones. I have two, one lower grit and one higher. They also make dual grit ones that are great.

  • PREP TIME: 20 Mins
  • COOK TIME: 0 Mins
  • TOTAL TIME: 20 Min


  • wet stones and knives



Soak your wet stones in water for 30 minutes.


Place the lower grit wet stone on a towel to secure. Sharpen your knife 10 times per side at a 15-17 degree angle, make sure to do an even amount on both sides. If the stone gets dry, add water to the surface. Do this until the knife can easily go through a piece a paper and is sharp.


Replace the lower grit wet stone with the higher grit and do the same thing. The higher grit is finer and fines out the blade. I usually sharpen on this side for 5 minutes just to smooth it out.


Hone your knife and clean it. Dry wet stones for future use!