If you have ever eaten at a Mediterranean restaurant you probably know and love the garlic sauce. It is creamy, fluffy, lemoney and very very garlicky. This Lebanese sauce, called “toum,” has a rich and vibrant history that traces its roots back to the Mediterranean region. With origins dating back centuries, this creamy emulsion has been an essential component of Lebanese cuisine for generations. Toum holds a significant place in Lebanese culture, often accompanying a wide range of dishes, from grilled meats and kebabs to shawarma and falafel.


  • Fresh garlic cloves: sliced in half and any green parts removed.
  • Lemon juice: freshly squeezed is best!
  • Neutral oil: I prefer avocado oil. Never use olive oil because it has an overpowering flavor.
  • Salt


How to make Mediterranean garlic sauce, Lebanese Toum #garlic #garlicsauce #toum #cooking

♬ Sunday – HNNY
  • SERVINGS:  3 cups
  • PREP TIME: 10 Mins
  • ACTIVE TIME: 10 Mins
  • TOTAL TIME: 20 Min



  • 1 cup garlic cloves, peeled, halved and any green parts removed
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 3 cups avocado oil



Using an immersion blender, blender or food processor, blend the garlic, salt and lemon juice until smooth-ish.


While blending, slowly add the avocado oil to emulsify. Add until thickened and creamy.


Store in a container in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.