It is SO important to have a good foundation in the kitchen when it comes to cooking so that you are safe, efficient, and doing the proper techniques. The most important thing to master first is knife skills! Here are five tips to help you improve on your knife skills!

  1. Hold the knife with your pointer finger and thumb on the base of the blade, and the rest of your hand on the handle. This gives you the most control over the knife, and is better for your wrist / hand.
  2. Use the bear claw technique with your opposite hand. This is where you grip the produce with your fingertips, but bring your knuckles forward so they are over your fingertips and act as a guard from the knife. This will prevent you from cutting off a fingertip (trust me, I am speaking from experience here)!
  3. The best way to cut a bell pepper is by slicing off the stem end, then working your way around the seed pod, cutting through the ribs so it leaves you with the seeds in the middle that you can easily discard and not have a mess of them all over your cutting board. From there, slice and dice the bell pepper as you wish, skin side down for easier cutting.
  4. How to dice an onion – slice off the non root side and then through the root slicing in half. Remove the peel. Make horizontal cuts / planks up the onion to the root, but not through it. Turn it to face you and then slice rows vertically down to the board, but not through the root. Turn it away from you again, and slice vertical rows down for the final cut for perfect dices.
  5. How to dice a tomato with zero mess – slice the tomato into quarters through the root. Working your way above the skin / flesh of the tomato and under the seeds, remove the seeds and the root. Slice into rows and dices from there. (This is for if you don’t want to use the seeds!)

  • PREP TIME: NA Mins
  • COOK TIME: 0 Mins


  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato



See above tips.


Crash course in knife skills for cooking 👩🏼‍🍳 🔪 #knifeskills #cooking #cooking101

♬ Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic – Kenji Ueda